Pain management and helping clients work through the dysfunctions that are the cause of that pain has become a center point of what I do. Why? It’s been a calling. I’ve been so dedicated to working through my own dysfunctions and managing my own pain, it’s given me a deeper understanding of how to help others. Helping people feel better and get over injuries has been the most rewarding aspect to my job. It all started with strength training. I love fitness and I can get you in shape! I can also help you figure out what’s causing your pain and treat the source.
For most people, keeping their body loose and pain-free takes work. It takes maintenance. It’s just like staying in shape. We spend so much time sitting and staring at screens it takes a toll on our body. Trust me, I know from experience on that too. I’m a personal trainer but look at my website. I probably spend about 20-40 hours a week on my computer, on top of 30-40 hours a week training. I’m standing as I’m typing this now, shifting back and forth. For years I sat and it was not good for my lower back. Since I’ve started standing my back has felt better.
This page is about pain management. I stand when I’m on my computer to help manage my back pain. Let’s go over some different pain management techniques that could help you!
Pain Management Techniques
If a client is dealing with an ongoing injury/body pain, the first thing I want to know is how do they sleep. We sleep around 7-9 hours a night for most people. That’s a lot of time in one position. If that position is aggravating an injury, it’s going to make it significantly harder to get over, if not impossible. Or maybe, that injury is simply caused because of sleep. One of the more common causes of back pain, especially for my male clients, is too soft of a bed. The first lesson I learned in the early years of dealing with back pain
Workout Smarter to Prevent Pain
If you are a regular at the gym and can’t get out of the cycle of getting injured, learning how to get out of that cycle should be priority number one. Finding corrective exercises geared toward fixing the core issue. I know what it’s like to let a nagging injury slide until the problem gets worse and you have to do something about it. Letting those injuries go until they turn into something serious is not the way to go about it. Learning why you are getting injured, addressing that, and then moving forward is a smarter approach.
Lose the ego. What are you trying to accomplish? Why are you deadlifting as much weight as you can every day? Most people are just trying to lose weight and gain muscle. I see a lot of people doing risky exercises to try and accomplish that, only to get injured, set back and not where they want to be. If you are training for strength and that’s it, then maxing out on deadlifts all the time might be the way to go. I’m not sure. That is not how I train and I don’t really believe in it. I believe in strength training, but in a program that is balanced. I do not think to throw up as much weight as you can, as fast as you can, is safe, functional, or effective. That is why I have a problem with a lot of CrossFit.
Get Involved in Your Own Recovery
If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that we have to get involved in our own recovery. MOST of the time, you cant pay someone to fully heal you. Unless there is a clear-cut basic surgery to fix the issue, it’s going to take work from the person injured. The more patience can take an interest in understanding whats going on, and work to fix that, the more successful we can be.